European Researchers’ Night

European Researchers’ Night

European Researchers’ Night projects include a series of attractive interactive events aimed at science stakeholders, the general public and media that conclude with the main event of the European Researchers’ Night. This is taking place on the last Friday in September in EU Member States and countries related to Horizon Europe. For many, the road to science begins at the crossroads of sharing scientific research results with the wider, lay public. Numerous career opportunities are emerging and one can come across increasingly creative ideas and methodologies of cooperation in science. The challenges of modern society are increasingly demanding an interdisciplinary approach for preparing relevant policies and other solutions in all areas of social life. 

Objectives of the European Researchers’ Night:

  • contributing to the promotion of excellence of research projects throughout Europe and beyond;
  • increasing the awareness of the general public on the importance and benefits of research and innovations as well as presenting their actual impact on the everyday life of citizens;
  • increasing the interest of young people in science and research career.
