Health and Safe Food

Health and Safe Food

FKKT 01: Reactors for conducting chemical and biochemical reactions

Name of equipment

Batch reactor

Continuous mixer reactor

Tubular reactor

Reactor with fixed and fluidised bed

Batch enzyme reactor

Catalytic reactor

Aerobic reactor

Anaerobic reactor

Equipment supplier

Micom Electronics d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment

Laboratory reactors are dedicated for studies of chemical and biochemical reactions in batch or continuous operation mode, for conducting catalyzed chemical or enzyme reactions, biological aerobic or anaerobic waste water treatment, including the software for their operation.

When conducting reactions, it is important to ensure very accurate information on initiation, digestion, kinetics, mechanism and the course of the reaction. Immediate information on the course of reactions enables better knowledge, quantification efficiency, optimization and scale-up of the process. In case of some reactors, we measure conductivity that is often used for quality control of laboratory and industrial manufacturing processes. Conductivity is one of the key physical properties of solutions by means of which we are monitoring the concentration of reaction components.

Equipment keeper

Assoc. Prof. Dr Darja Pečar,

Equipment location UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, room D1-203A, room D1-204 and room D1-313



FKKT 01: Thermoanalysis system

Name of equipment

Thermoanalysis system

Equipment supplier

METTLER TOLEDO, družba za trgovino, storitve, uvoz in izvoz d.o.o.,

SANOLABOR, podjetje za prodajo medicinskih, laboratorijskih in farmacevtskih proizvodov, d.d

ICM INTERCOMMERCE trgovina in storitve d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment

The thermoanalysis system consists of three lots. The horizontal laboratory tube furnace Carbolite with a tube with a diameter of 60 mm and a heating length of 150 mm enables heat treatment of samples up to a temperature of 1200°C in different atmospheres, such as in an air or nitrogen atmosphere. The bomb calorimeter IKA C6000 Isoperibol is a modern calorimeter enabling the determination of calorific values ​​of liquid and solid samples by all standards, such as DIN, ISO, ASTM, GOST and GB. Measurements can be performed at three different initial temperatures. The instrument cluster for thermogravimetric measurements and measurements of the differential scanning calorimetry Mettler Toledo TGA/ DSC3+ enables simultaneous measurements of changes in sample mass (thermogravimetry) and heat flow measurement (DSC). The built-in high temperature furnace enables the performance of analyses in the temperature range from 25°C to 1600°C and gas flow regulation which allows us to perform analyses with various gases. The built-in ultra-micro balance with a readability of 0.1 µg enables a weighing preciseness of up to 0.005% and a weighing accuracy of up to 0.0025%. The Nicolet iSO50 FTIR spectrometer with ATR module with monolithic diamond crystal is equipped with a TGA interface, gas cell and software which contains spectral libraries recorded in transmission, ATR and with TGA interface which enables also the search for spectra of mixtures and components in the gaseous phase. The system enables the analysis of solid, liquid and gaseous samples and is at the same time connected to the TGA/DSC3+ instrument.

Equipment keeper

Assits. Prof. Dr Danijela Urbancl

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Thermoenergetics, Smetanova ulica 18, KT-01

Research equipment: Thermoanalysis system           Research equipment: Thermoanalysis system              Researcher at work: Thermoanalysis system

Research equipment: Thermoanalysis system                        Research equipment: Thermoanalysis system                              Researcher at work: Thermoanalysis system

FKKT 01: Analyzer for determining total organic carbon and total bound nitrogen

Name of equipment

Analyzer for determining total organic carbon (TOC) and total bound nitrogen (TNb), Multi N/C 3100 (AS vario, CLD, HT 1300), Analytik Jena GmbH

Equipment supplier

MIKRO+POLO d.o.o., Slovenia,

Presentation of equipment

The analyzer for determining total organic carbon (TOC) and total bound nitrogen (TNb) is a high-quality analytical tool for fast and simple analysis of fluid and solid samples. With its high-performance technology, the analyzer enables separate determination of the total carbon (TC) as well as the total inorganic carbon (TIC) with the help of which we can determine the total organic carbon (TOC) in the sample (TOC = TC – TIC). The main advantage of the analyzer is that it enables the determination of purgeable organic carbon (POC) and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC). The system consists of the basic unit for analysing fluid samples “Multi N/C 3100”, the “AS vario” automatic sampler, the highly sensitive chemiluminescence detector “CLD” for determining TNb in fluid samples and the “HT 1300” module for analysing solid samples. The system operates on the basis of high-temperature catalytic combustion with high-focus non-dispersive infrared detector NDIR. The VITA technology and Easy Cal enable simple and quick calibration.

Equipment keeper

Assist. Prof. Dr Irena Petrinič,

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, room D1-301

Analyzer for determining total organic carbon (TOC) and total bound nitrogen (TNb)              Analyzer for determining total organic carbon (TOC) and total bound nitrogen (TNb)               Researcher: Analyzer for determining total organic carbon (TOC) and total bound nitrogen (TNb)
FKKT 03: Equipment for liquid chromatography
Equipment composition HPLC system, 1260 Infinity II LC System, Agilent
UHPLC system, 1290 Infinity II LC System, Agilent
Equipment supplier Chemass d.o.o., Merilni sistemi,

Presentation of equipment

The 1260 Infinity II LC system is a HPLC system ensuring performance, reliability and robustness. The binary pump with integrated degasser can reach up to 600 bars in the column. The system enables repeated thorough rinsing of the injection needle by means of which the possibility of “carryover” is reduced to less than 10 ppm. The flexibility of the system is reflected in the multi-column thermostat which enables efficient handling of up to four chromatographic columns and efficient temperature control.

The HPLC 1260-1 Infinity II system with VWD detector records spectra from 190 to 950 nm by capturing data up to 120 Hz with a set of diodes and an adjustable slot. Time programmable switching of wavelengths ensures optimal sensitivity and selectivity for various applications. The HPLC 1260-2 Infinity II LC system includes an UV detector with two wavelengths, which enables capturing data up to 120 Hz.

The LC 1290 Infinity II system is a chromatographic system with ultra high resolution and market-leading capacity. The system provides a high chromatographic resolution between components in the sample, a low “carryover” (less than 10 ppm) and a fast pump enabling pumping up to four mobile phases at pressures up to 1300 bars and with a flow rate of up to 5 mL/min. The Intelligent System Emulation Technology (ISET) enables the transfer of chromatographic methods, regardless of the LC brand and ensures fixed retention times of compounds and peak separation. The detector with a set of diodes and an adjustable slot enables recording of UV spectra from 190 to 950 nm with capturing data up to 120 Hz.

Equipment keeper

Prof. Dr Zoran Novak,

Equipment location UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering UM, Smeatova ulica 17, room D2-302
FKKT 03: Gas chromatograph with mass selective detector and flame-ionization detector
Name of equipment

Gas chromatograph with mass selective detector and flame-ionization detector

Equipment supplier

KEMOMED d.o.o., Brnčičeva ulica 31, 1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče,​

Presentation of equipment

The Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 NX gas chromatograph is equipped with a mass selective detector (MS) and flame ionization detector (FID). Samples can be put into the gas chromatograph with the help of the so-called headspace injection, liquid sample injection, or solid phase microextraction. It is equipped with the AOC 6000 autosampler that makes work with the instrument simpler. The AOC 6000 has an analysis capacity of 162 liquid samples and 45 gas samples. There are also two separate split/splitless injectors built-in, one for entering samples to the MS system and the other for entering samples to the FID system. Thus, two chromatographic columns can be installed in the instrument at the same time. The oven of the chromatographic instrument is equipped with a light which makes it easier to switch the column. The instrument is equipped with an adapter that enables switching the chromatographic column without stopping the vacuum.

Equipment keeper

Assist. David Majer,

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smeatova ulica 17, Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry and Industrial Analysis, room D2-204

FKKT 03: Supporting analytical equipment

Name of equipment

Supporting analytical equipment

Equipment supplier Mettler Toledo,

Presentation of equipment

Beside measurement of pH and ORP, the SevenExcellence pH meter S400 also supports ISFET technology. Calibration of the pH meter is system controlled, which enables preciser measurements and calibration. The entire workflow from entering data and analysing samples to archiving data is transparent and efficient.

The Excellence D4 density meter offers fast and reliable density measurements with automatic temperature control from 0 to 95 °C and with an accuracy of up to 0.0001 g/cm³. The system enables the user easy application. The entire work process can be started with a click, including sampling, measuring, rinsing and drying. Automation of the work process saves time and reduces costs. The system automatically detects bubbles on the system and therefore eliminates errors in sampling. The integrated temperature regulator enables fast heating and cooling of the measuring cell to ensure precise density measurements.

The XPR10 analytical balance enables weighing from a minimum of 1.5 mg to a maximum of 10.1 g with a readability of 1 µg. The guaranteed reproducibility of results is evaluated to 0.6 µg. The balance sensor enables contactless control of the balance door which reduces possible contamination.

The XPR206DR/M analytical balance includes functions ensuring that all conditions for correct weighing are met. The system is equipped with a patented function enabling the detection of electrostatic charge on the samples and the container. The XPR balance ensures weighing of extremely small quantities of a sample from a minimum of 10 mg with an accuracy of 0.005 mg.

The XSR4002S analytical balance enables precise weighing with a capacity of up to 4.1 kg and a resolution of 0.01 g. The robust performance of the balance allows for its application in various weighing conditions. The built-in technology enables weighing during draft without a draft shield and at the same time provides faster results.

The MP55 apparatus for measuring the melting point offers simultaneous determination of up to three melting points or melting areas or up to two melting points of the slip at temperatures up to 570 °F/300 °C. The system heats up with 0.1 – 20 °C/min and can reach a temperature of 300 °C in three minutes.

The HX204 moisture analyser with fast halogen heating ensures precise and  reproducible results of measuring moisture in a sample with an accuracy of 0.001 % MC (0.1 mg). The instrument enables drying at temperatures between 40 °C and 230 °C and determining moisture content in a range of 0.01–100 % MC. The maximum capacity of the moisture analyser is 201 g.

Equipment keeper

Klara Žvab, mag. inž. kem. teh.

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor

  • room D2-302 (Excellence D4 density meter, SevenExcellence pH meter S400, T7 titrator, XPR206DR/M balance, XPR10/M balance)
  • room D1-006 ( XSR4002S analytical balance, MP55 apparatus for measuring the melting point, HX204 moisture analyser)




FKKT 03: Dissolution system

Name of equipment

Dissolution system

Equipment supplier Merel d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment

The 708-DS dissolution system is a modular system designed for manual and automated testing of dissolution of active substances. The heating apparatus uses the water bath. The instrument can be configured for use with baskets or paddles. It is equipped with eight containers with a capacity from 100 ml to 2 L. Parameters can be measured with the help of a motor distributor and a sample station for dissolution, which contains a temperature and sample probe. Containers are covered with lids that prevent the evaporation of the solvent and sample. The system is equipped with the Dosage Delivery Module (DDM) enabling a precise and simultaneous dropping of samples or sequential dosing at a pre-defined interval.

As part of the extension of the 708-DS dissolution system, the latter is equipped with the 850-DS automatic sampling station and the Cary 60 UV-Vis detector. The 850-DS sampling station enables automated sampling from the dissolution system. The rotating piston pump withdraws the sample, filters it and archives for future HPLC and UV analysis. The Cary 60 UV-Vis detector uses a xenon bulb for operation. It takes the sample from the 708-DS dissolution system at a pre-defined interval and measures it sequentially. Each dissolution container is connected with two separate sampling tubes and a flow cuvette which prevents sample contamination. Flow cuvettes have different optical paths from 0.2 to 10 mm. The system offers eight measuring points for flow cuvettes.

Equipment keeper

Asisst. Dr Gabrijela Horvat, univ. dipl. inž. kem. tehnol.,

Equipment Location UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, room D2-0001
FKKT 03: FT-NIR process spectrometer

Name of equipment

FT-NIR process spectrometer; Matrix-F, Bruker Scientific Instruments

Equipment supplier

Optik Instruments, specializirano posredništvo, d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment

The MATRIX-F FT-NIR spectrometer is intended for monitoring laboratory and industrial processes in real time. Through optical fibres, it can be equipped with a probe for contact measurements or with a measuring head for non-contact measurements. Thanks to optical fibres, the spectrometer can be placed several hundred meters away from the point of analysis. The possibility of an integrated computer is provided by a fully autonomous analyser.


  • Probe with optical fibres or heads for non-contact measurements
  • Accurate results of in-line measurements in short time scales
  • Easy operation and maintenance
  • Non-destructive analysis
  • Determining multiple components in one measurement
  • Support for standard communication industry protocols
  • Optionally built-in multiplexer with 6 inputs and “Quick Connect” for easy exchange of probes
  • Compact and robust housing
  • Direct transfer of calibrations (to and from all existing Bruker NIR spectrometers)
  • RockSolidTM interferometer with permanently aligned optics, insensitive to vibrations
  • Possible protection against explosions in accordance with ATEX, for both, the spectrometer as well as the probes or measuring heads
  • Fully automated routine tests for validation in accordance with cGMP (OQ, PQ)
  • 21 CFR Part 11 and validation in accordance with EU, JP and US pharmacopoeia

Equipment keeper

Dr. Darija Cör Andrejč

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, room D1 202
FKKT 03: Apparatus for supercritical drying of aerogels

Name of equipment

Apparatus for supercritical drying of aerogels, Extratex-S.F.I, France

Equipment supplier

Chemass d.o.o, Merilni sistemi,

Presentation of equipment

The apparatus for supercritical drying of aerogels consists of a high-pressure pump, an extractor as well as a separator.

  1. a) Extractor
  • Volume: minimally 500 mL
  • Minimum operating pressure: 350 bar
  • Minimum operating temperature: 150°C
  • Easy opening and closing (manually) of the cover for sample insertion
  • Material: stainless steel 316 L

b) Separator

  • Volume: minimally 300 mL
  • Minimum operating pressure: 200 bar
  • Minimum operating temperature: 100°C
  • Material: stainless steel 316 L
  • Possible CO2 recycling

c) High pressure pump

  • Minimum working pressure: 400 bar
  • Minimum flow: 100 g/min CO2 at 400 bar

Equipment keeper

Marko Krainer

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, room D1-006
Apparatus for supercritical drying of aerogels           Apparatus for supercritical drying of aerogels: researcher at work            Apparatus for supercritical drying of aerogels: researcher at work
FKKT 03: Equipment for the production of biological substances and their detection

Name of equipment

Equipment for the production of biological substances and their detection

Equipment supplier

The company Mediline Mešana trgovska družba d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment


  • bioreactor with a volume from 1.5 to 4 L
  • Hamilton sensors pH/pO2
  • Exit gas analysis
  • BlueInOne MIF2, CPack CO2-25%, O2-100%
  • Biomass sensor
  • OD package (w/o sensor)
  • Optek OD sensor OPL10 L = 325 mm


  • built-in stirring unit
  • without a fan – reduced possibility of additional contaminations
  • recommended in applications such as the cultivation of non-adherent cell cultures
  • easy cleaning of the interior
  • stainless steel interior
  • temperature control
  • built-in high temperature disinfection (HTD)
  • unique infrared sensor, which provides accurate measurement of the CO2 level/it does not need to be removed during disinfection
  • built-in 25 mm port for the possibility of connecting other devices
  • touchscreen
  • programming and monitoring the operation of the device
  • double door, external full and internal glass door
  • safety sealing of doors and PI control enable minimal gas consumption
  • temperature range: from 4°C above room temperature to 50°C
  • level of CO2 regulation from 0.1 to 20%
  • 5 cm orbit
  • stirring rate 25-400 rpm
  • USB port for communication and external connection of appliances
  • moisture container included
  • the possibility of using software to monitor the operation of the device
  • 1 removable perforated shelf
  • uniformity +/- 0.2°C


  • microscope Ergo LED Ci/L -Fluor
  • objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x and 100x oil
  • fluorescence HBO with green and blue filter; 22 mm (F.O.V.)
  • DS Fi3 digital video camera with an image capture and processing programme NIS Elements D
  • fixed diffuser aperture capture button
  • configuration tools
  • with a refocusing mechanism and torque setting
  • built-in lamphouse for white LED illumination
  • power Cord BE
  • C-SR2S Right Handle Stage with 2SHolder
  • C-TE2 Ergonomic Binocular Tube (FOV 22 mm) – Angle 10°-30°, 2 ways
  • C-TEP3 DSC Port C0.55X for Ergonomic Binocular Tube
  • eyepiece CFI 10X Anti-Mould (F.O.V. 22 mm)
  • CFI UW Eyepiece Guard
  • C-N6 ESD Sextuple Nosepiece ESD
  • Achromat Swing-out Condenser, N.A. 0.9, W.D. 1.8 mm
  • CFI Plan Achromat 10X EU, N.A. 0.25, W.D. 10.5 mm
  • CFI Plan Achromat 20X EU, N.A. 0.40, W.D. 1.2 mm
  • CFI Plan Achromat 40X EU, N.A. 0.65, W.D. 0.56 mm, Spring-loaded
  • CFI Plan Achromat 100X Oil EU, N.A. 1.25, W.D. 0.20 mm, Spring-loaded
  • CI-FL Epi-fluorescence Attachment, 4 fluorescence cubes
  • C-FC Epi-FL Collector Lens
  • C-FC Epi-FL Centering Tool
  • LH-M100C-1 Lamphouse HMX-3B
  • HG100W Mercury Lamp Socket
  • C-LHG1 Mercury Lamp HG-100W
  • C-SHG1 Power Supply for Mercury Lamp HG-100W
  • C-FL-C B-2A Filter Cube (EX 470/40, DM 505, BA 510)
  • C-FL-C G-2A Filter Cube (EX 535/50, DM 575, BA 580)
  • NIS-Elements D
  • DS-Fi3 Microscope Camera
  • 3-AC AC Adapter
  • Power Cord BE
  • 0 Micro-B Cable
  • C-CTC Camera Trigger Cable U3/L3


  • UV/Vis spectre from 220 nm to 830 nm (1 nm step)
  • Xenon flash light with a long lifetime
  • easy programming for quick start of work
  • guided software that minimises errors
  • programming directly on the device, no need for a PC
  • large 5.7-inch colour display
  • storage of up to 1,000 measurements directly on the device
  • integrated data processing for specific methods
  • integrated fluorescence unit
  • programmed or possibility to select applications as well as the application for fluorescence
  • fluorescence measurement range from 0.5 nm to 2000 nm
  • fluorescence (excitation) length up to 470 nm

Equipment keeper

Maja Leitgeb

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor

  • Laboratory of Separation Processes and Product Design; locations: D1-006, D2-0003, D2-101, D2-103

Equipment for the production of biological substances and their detection           Equipment for the production of biological substances and their detection              Equipment for the production of biological substances and their detection

Equipment for the production of biological substances and their detection           Equipment for the production of biological substances and their detection              Researcher at work

FKKT 03: Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures (ultrahigh pressure equipment)

Name of equipment

Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures (ultrahigh pressure equipment), SITEC-Sieber Engineering AG

Equipment supplier

Kemomed d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment

Complete equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures of up to 7000 bar.

Ultrahigh pressure equipment consists of:

  • optical cell (operating pressure 1000 bar, operating temperature 180°C, V=25 mL)
  • optical cell (operating pressure 2500 bar, operating temperature 300°C, V=12 mL)
  • optical cell (operating pressure 7000 bar, operating temperature 200°C, V=12.6 mL)
  • recirculation system (operating pressure 1000 bar, operating temperature 150°C)
  • hand pump up to a pressure of 7000 bar
  • inconel reactor system (operating pressure 500 bar, operating temperature 500°C, V=250 mL)
  • pneumatic diaphragm compressor applicable to non-corrosive gases (operating pressure 1000 bar)
  • pump and flow regulator for CO2 (operating pressure 500 bar)
  • extraction column (operating pressure 700 bar, operating temperature 200°C, inside length 3 m, inside diameter 37 mm, filling: Sulzer)
  • high pressure reactor system (operating pressure 500 bar, operating temperature 150°C, V=500 mL)
  • high pressure container (operating pressure 7000 bar, operating temperature 100°C, V=100 mL)

Equipment keeper

Marko Krainer

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, room D1 202

Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures: researcher at work             Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures              Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures

Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures              Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures              Equipment for determining thermodynamic and transport properties at ultrahigh pressures

FKKT 03: Ion Analysis System

Name of equipment

Ion Analysis System

Equipment supplier

KEMOMED d.o.o., svetovanje, trgovina in trženje, Brnčičeva ulica 31, 1231 Ljubljana-Runde, Slovenia

Presentation of equipment

Inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is an analysis technique enabling the detection of the majority of naturally occurring elements and their isotopes. ICP-MS uses high temperature argon inductively coupled plasma for atom ionization. The ions separate according to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). The instrument is suitable for qualitative and quantitative analysis of elements. The ICPMS-2030 instrument uses the collision cell technique, where it minimizes spectral interferences with the help of helium gas. The ICPMS-2030 is connected with the automatic sampler AS-10, which enables automatic analysis of up to 68 samples. The advantages of the ICP-MS technique are the low detection limit and limit of determination, high sensitivity, wide linear range and the ability of simultaneous analysis of several elements.

Ion chromatography (IC) is a form of liquid chromatography which is used for determining ions (cations and anions). Separation in the ion-exchange chromatography column is based on the interaction of charged analyte particles with oppositely charged functional groups of the stationary phase, which is reflected in the different retention times of ions. The ion chromatograph consists of the degassing unit (DGU-403), liquid chromatograph (LC-20Ai), conductivity detector (CDD-10AVP), automatic sampler (SIL-20AC) and furnace (CTO-40S).

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is a frequently used spectroscopic analysis technique for quantitative analysis of elements. The AA-7000 instrument has a dual beam optical system with a wavelength range from 185 to 900 nm. It contains two methods for background correction, BGS-SR (185–900 nm) and BGS-D2 (185–430 nm). A flame created by acetylene and compressed air is used to atomise the liquid samples. The flame technique enables microsampling from 2 to 90 µL and automatic flame optimization. The instrument has advanced safety functions, such as gas pressure monitoring, automatic detection of fuel gas leaks and automatic flame extinguishing in the event of a power outage as well as a vibration sensor.

The ETHOS LEAN instrument is used for the closed microwave acid digestion which is one of the techniques of preparing samples for element analysis. Digestion, where solid samples are converted into a liquid aggregate state takes place by adding different combinations of acids, at elevated temperature and pressure. The instrument heats the samples with microwaves with a maximum power of 900 W.

Equipment keeper

Assoc. Prof. Dr Matjaž Finšgar

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Laboratory D1 307, D1 309, D2 204

Researcher at work - Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)               Ion Analysis System - ETHOS LEAN instrument                 Researcher at work: Ion Analysis System - ETHOS LEAN instrument

Researcher at work: Ion Analysis System (ICP-MS)              Ion Analysis System  (ICP-MS)                Researcher at work: Ion Analysis System - Ion chromatography

FKKT 03: Apparatus for measuring the profile of analysed samples

Name of equipment

Apparatus for measuring the profile of analysed samples

Equipment supplier

Labena d.o.o., Verovškova 64, 1000 Ljubljana

Presentation of equipment

The contact profilometer is an instrument enabling the determination of the sample profile by sliding across the surface with a diamond tip. This way we obtain data about surface roughness and the 3D-profile of surface.

The device is used for investigating various types of solid materials with a surface of up to 10 cm in x direction and up to 10 cm in y direction. The latter supplements the measurements of atomic force microscopy (AFM), where we are often limited to 125 micrometres in x direction and 125 micrometres in y direction. Compared to AFM, the profilometer enables the determination of sample topography with a much larger height difference, however, its depth resolution (in comparison to the AFM instrument) is lower.

The DektakXT profilometer by Bruker is equipped with tips with a curvature radius of 2 µm and 5 µm. It enables measurements of surfaces in a nanometre scale on various samples with a diameter of up to 15 cm as well as a thickness of up to 5 cm and contains software for quick and effective parallel data processing and analysis. The movement of the tip and the measuring head is fully automatic and the device also enables motorized movement of the sample.

Equipment keeper

Assoc. Prof. Dr Matjaž Finšgar

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Laboratory D1 310
Apparatus for measuring the profile of analysed samples                        Apparatus for measuring the profile of analysed samples                       Apparatus for measuring the profile of analysed samples
FKKT 03: CD spectrophotometer capable of measuring absorbance and fluorescence

Name of equipment

CD spectrophotometer capable of measuring absorbance and fluorescence, Model J-1500 CD spectrometer, JASCO

Equipment supplier

ABL&E-JASCO Hungary Ltd.,

Presentation of equipment

The CD spectrophotometer enables us to observe the difference in the absorption of left and right hand circularly polarized light in samples with simultaneous measurement of CD and the fluorescence spectrum. It can be coupled with the HPLC system. It is equipped with a thermostatic holder for 6 cuvettes. It is used for monitoring structural elements in proteins and observing melting curves of proteins as well as observing samples with chromophore in chiral environment.

Equipment keeper

Anja Petek

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Laboratory for corrosion: D2-203
Researcher at work              Researcher at work              Researcher at work


FKKT 03: Fluorescence spectrophotometer for measuring fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence

Name of equipment

Fluorescence spectrophotometer for measuring fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence, FP-8550 Spectrofluorometer, JASCO

Equipment supplier

ABL&E-JASCO Hungary Ltd.,

Presentation of equipment

Fluorescence spectrophotometer enables measurements of the fluorescence spectrum of solutions as well as monitoring the spectrum and half-life of excited phosphorescent compounds. For example, it enables observing the binding of the ligand to the enzyme, monitoring the melting curves of proteins as well as observing the formation of micelles of surface-active compounds. Using polarizing filters enables us to analyse the rotational movement of molecules in the solution.

Equipment keeper

Sara Štumpf

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Laboratory for corrosion: D2-203
Researcher at work               Researcher at work               Researcher at work
FKKT 03: Isothermal titration calorimeter

Name of equipment

Isothermal titration calorimeter, Affinity ITC, TA Instruments

Equipment supplier

Labtim d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment

The isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC) is an instrument intended for studying the broad spectrum of interactions between molecules. It enables direct measurements of thermodynamic parameters which are the result of these interactions. The instrument is intended for measurements in solutions and we can also monitor the formation of self-assembled structures, various metal ion chelations, determine the binding affinity of ligands to proteins, etc. Frequent use of the instrument is intended for optimising compounds in the development of medicinal substances.

Equipment keeper

Anja Kolarič, Matja Zalar

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Laboratory for corrosion: D2-203

Researcher at work             Researcher at work             Researcher at work

Isothermal titration calorimeter             Isothermal titration calorimeter             Researcher at work

FKKT 03: Nano differential scanning calorimeter

Name of equipment

Nano differential scanning calorimeter, Nano DSC, TA Instruments

Equipment supplier

Labtim d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment


The instrument enables the implementation of differential scanning calorimetry in solutions. Here, we observe the energy that is released or consumed during processes in the solution which occur during heating or cooling of the sample. The instrument is typically used for observing melting curves of biological macromolecules, measuring heat that is needed for the formation or breakdown of self-assembled structures when the temperature of the solution changes.

Equipment keeper

Anja Kolarič, Matja Zalar

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Laboratory for corrosion: D2-203

           Researcher at work             Researcher at work

Isothermal titration calorimeter           Isothermal titration calorimeter             Researcher at work

FKKT 03: UV-Vis spectrophotometer with integrating sphere

Name of equipment

UV-Vis spectrophotometer with integrating sphere, Cary 4000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Agilent

Equipment supplier

Merel d.o.o.,

Presentation of equipment

The UV-Vis spectrophotometer enables us to measure the absorption spectra of liquid and solid samples in the wavelength range between 200 nm and 800 nm. It enables the monitoring of reaction kinetics, enzyme activity as well as determining melting curves of proteins. The instrument also includes a holder for 6 cuvettes enabling simultaneous measurement of several samples. The integrating sphere of the instrument enables measuring spectra of solid samples and unclear solutions.

Equipment keeper

Franjo Frešer

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics: D1-212
Researcher at work             Researcher at work               Researcher at work
MF 01: The next-generation sequencing system NextSeq550 and the iSCAN microarray DNA and RNA analysing system

Name of equipment

The next-generation sequencing system NextSeq550 (Illumina) and the iSCAN microarray DNA and RNA analysing system (Illumina)

Equipment supplier

KEMOMED, d.o.o., svetovanje, trgovina in trženje Brnčičeva ulica 31, 1231 Ljubljana – Črnuče;

Presentation of equipment

The next-generation sequencing system NextSeq550 enables the following:

  • nucleotide DNA and RNA sequencing with a next-generation sequencing technology, whereby more than 75% of sequenced bases achieves an accuracy of at least 99.9% (Q=30);
  • analysis of 120 Gbp in one run, enabling sequencing of the entire human genome with a 30x coverage or of the target genome (e.g. exome) for several samples simultaneously;
  • DNA analysis for determining single nucleotide substitutions (single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), mutations), minor nucleotide deletions and insertions at least up to 30bp, determining changes in the number of copies of the genes (CNV); DNA methylation analysis in the entire genome;
  • mRNA, micro RNA or the entire human RNA (transcriptome) analysis for determining the expression of genes and variants at RNA level.

The iSCAN microarray DNA and RNA analysing system enables the following:

  • microchip scanning for genotyping more than 600,000 variants (single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), known mutations), 24 samples per microchip;

CNV analysis, DNA methylations of target loci and chromosomal malformations (cytogenetics)

Equipment keeper

Prof. Dr Uroš Potočnik

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Medicine, Taborska 8, 2000 Maribor; Laboratory 1NL1

Researchers at work                                   Researchers at work                         Researchers at work

           Research equipment                                    Research equipment                           Research equipment

MF 02: The BD FACS Aria Fusion cell sorter

Name of equipment

The BD FACS Aria Fusion cell sorter

Equipment supplier

Mediasi d.o.o. Leskoškova cesta 9D, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia;

Presentation of equipment

BD FACS Aria Fusion:

  • five extraction lasers (355 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm) with separate apertures as well as full matrix intra- and inter-laser compensation of signals;
  • 18 interchangeable fluorescence detectors + FCS and SSC;
  • sample capturing from 1.5 mL or 5 mL centrifuge tubes, preventing sample settling during capture, air bubbles and blockages detector in the sample line;
  • optional one-, two- or four-way cell sorting into 1.5 mL or 5 mL centrifuge tubes; one-way sorting to microtiter plates, including the collection of individual cells (single-cell sorting);
  • possible temperature control of sorted samples (6°C – 37°C);
  • 70 μm, 85 μm, 100 μm and 130 μm nozzles;
  • automated start-up, calibration, cleaning, shut-down as well as drop-delay protocols;
  • integrated reservoirs for all liquids;
  • maximum analysing speed (data capture) 70,000 events/s;
  • maximum sorting speed 25,000 events/s;
  • expected purity of sorted cells >98%.

Equipment keeper

Prof. Dr Uroš Potočnik; Dr Boris Gole

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Medicine, Taborska 8, 2000 Maribor; Laboratory PL3

                 Research equipment                             Research equipment                        Research equipment

Research equipment                               Researchers at work                            Researcher at work

MF 06: 3D nanotomograph

Name of equipment

3D nanotomograph ZEISS Xradia 620 Versa (Carl Zeiss AG, Germany)

Equipment supplier

Carl Zeiss AG,

Presentation of equipment

The ZEISS Xradia 620 Versa nano-tomograph enables advanced, high resolution digital non-destructive visualization of material samples with various x-ray densities in the ground state and in in-situ tensile-compressive deformation based on a high-energy source of x-rays and the combination of a unique optics with two-stage magnification, which enables producing images with a resolution of 4M pixels at 16-bit depth, a minimum spatial resolution of 500 nm at the smallest available size of voxel 40 nm. At a 50 mm distance of the source from the axis of sample rotation, the guaranteed resolution amounts to 1 mm. At a wide range of accelerating voltage (30–160 kV), the high source power (25W) ensures a quality and fast capturing of sample images with a wide range of mechanical and structural properties (from hydrogels to metals and rocks) without loss of resolution. The advanced architecture of the device enables high resolution 3D imaging of larger and denser objects, non-destructive characterization of the 3D microstructure of materials under controlled perturbation in situ as well as observing the development of structures over time.
Equipment keeper

Assoc. Prof. Dr Uroš Maver,

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Medicine, Taborska ulica 8, Maribor, room K21

MF 09: Upright confocal microscope for single- and multi-photon optophysiology in conditions from in vitro to in vivo

Name of equipment

Upright confocal microscope for single- and multi-photon optophysiology in conditions from in vitro to in vivo

Equipment supplier

Mikro+Polo d.o.o., Zagrebška cesta 22, 2000 Maribor;

Presentation of equipment

  • single- and multi-photon confocal applications, epifluorescence applications, translucent light applications;
  • Super Z Galvo stage;
  • lenses: water- oil immersion objective lenses 16X (NA 0.8), water immersion 25X (NA 1.00), water immersion 40X (NA 1.1), water immersion 63X (NA 1.20).
  • digital camera 2.8 M, 40 images per second;
  • diode laser 405 nm, Argon laser (458, 476, 488, 496 and 514 nm), supercontinuum pulsed single photon laser (WLL laser) with a wavelength between 470 and 670 nm;
  • Coherent Discovery NX IR multi-photon laser with two output beams: adjustable output beam between 660 and 1320 nm, continuous beam 1040 nm;
  • imaging unit: 7 images per second at a resolution of 512×512;
  • resonance imaging unit: 40 images per second at a resolution of 512×512;
  • PMT detector;
  • two HyD detectors;
  • two NDD (non-descanned) RLD detectors for application in multi-photon mode;
  • capturing signals accordion of second or third order;
  • FLIM microscopy;
  • software LAS X SP8, integrated for being used with a camera and confocal scanner;
Equipment keeper

Assoc. Prof. Dr Andraž Stožer, dr. med., +386 2 2345843,

Equipment location UM, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Physiology, Taborska ulica 8, 2000 Maribor; room PL16




MF 09: Inverted confocal microscope for superresolution cell physiology

Name of equipment

Inverted confocal microscope for superresolution cell physiology; model Leica Stellaris 8 Falcon STED; manufacturer Leica Microsystems, GmbH.

Equipment supplier

Mikro+Polo d.o.o.;

Presentation of equipment

  • the system is based on an inverted motorized microscope and enables standard, epifluorescence, confocal and STED microscopy;
  • super Z Galvo stage;
  • objectives: plan-apochromatic 93X (NA 1.3), glycerol, motorized correction; plan-apochromatic 100X (NA 1.4), oil:
  • supercontinuous pulsed single-photon laser (WLL) 440nm – 790nm; depletion lasers with a wavelength of 660nm and 775nm enabling multi-colour STED capture;
  • four independent internal detectors, from these two HyD S detectors, a HyD X detector and a HyD R detector;
  • software for adaptive deconvolution enabling a resolution of at least 120 nm along the XY axis and at least 200 nm along the Z axis;
  • STED hardware and software enabling a resolution of at least 50 nm along the XY axis and at least 130 nm along the Z axis;
  • LAS X Stellaris Falcon software with integrated software for STED and FLIM microscopy.

Equipment keeper

Assoc. Prof. Dr Andraž Stožer

Equipment location

UM, Faculty of Medicine, Taborska ul. 8, 2000 Maribor; room PL16

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia,  Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.


According to the open-access principle, when publishing and using results obtained with the use of RIUM research infrastructure, users and research groups are obliged to state appropriate acknowledgement as stated below:

The authors acknowledge the use of research equipment <state the name of the used research equipment RIUM>, procured within the operation “Upgrading national research infrastructures – RIUM”, which was co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
