Preparing a project application?

Preparing a project application?

Developing a project idea

When developing a project idea, think about the current situation in society, its challenges and opportunities for a creative and innovative approach to build a quality future. Follow the strategic and development goals of the institution under which you are preparing the project application and review its already established financial and infrastructure opportunities. Involve more people when preparing a project idea for the general public.

Problem analysis

You can approach problem definition with various methods, such as the problem tree (visual method showing the connection between the key problem, its causes and consequences), the “5 Whys” method (detecting the cause of the problem through asking yourself repeatedly “Why”) or “fishbone” (cause-and-effect diagram enabling to focus on the causes of the problem).

European Commission’s priorities and calls

Review the Commission’s priorities in regard to the developed idea: A European Green Deal; A Europe fit for the digital age; An economy that works for people; A stronger Europe in the world; Promoting our European way of life and A new push for European democracy. Current calls can be found on the official websites of the call publishers, in official journals, other media and on our website.

Knowing the call

When you decide to apply for a particular call, get acquainted in detail with the tender conditions and provisions. In order to better assess the compliance of the planned project activities with the expected results and effects of the tendered programme, you can evaluate the proposal with the help of an official evaluation form of the call as well as ask colleagues from the considered field to provide an additional expert opinion.

Setting goals

When setting general and specific goals, follow the problem analysis and make sure that they are designed for target groups as well as aligned with the objectives of the call. The planned activities should be oriented towards the expected results with which you intend to reach specific goals for achieving the overall objective of the project. Let the goals be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely).

Financial and time frame

Draw up an indicative financial plan according to the tender specifications, in which you define all planned cost categories and potential project revenues and be careful not to exceed the maximum allowed value of a particular cost category or the overall allowed value of the project. Prepare a time plan for the completion of an individual part of the application, including the review of the final documentation and timely submission.

Useful UM links and examples of portals for finding project partners
