Developing a culture of quality

The University of Maribor ensures high-quality education and research.

Creating opportunities for developing talent, promoting critical thinking, cooperating on national and international level, quality and innovative teaching activities bring the best results and enable students and employees to reach their full potential.

Quality Culture is being developed as one of our priority fields.

We see it as a starting point for ensuring and developing quality of teaching, research, and services. Our aim is to provide a supportive and innovative environment for teaching, learning, and researching, with respect of national and international standards and guidelines.

Through the Committee for University Quality Assessment and the Department of Development and Student Affairs, we coordinate the operations of the internal system for monitoring and assuring quality.

We watch over the implementation of UM development objectives. We support university teachers and employees in their work and didactic training as well as provide regular education with the focus on innovative learning and teaching. Students as partners are involved in the decision-making process and we give their opinion weight.

The strategic orientations of the University of Maribor are the result of the ideas and visions of the people who participated in their formation. We are determined that in the next ten years, with our knowledge and energy, we will pursue our goals together and achieve them successfully!
Strategy of the University of Maribor 2021-2030
