The Dies Academicus was celebrated at the University of Maribor by presenting awards and recognitions to students, individuals, companies as well as by awarding honorary titles of Professor Emeritus and Doctor Honoris Causa. It has been 49 years since the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia passed the Law on the Establishment of the University of Maribor in September 1975, the second largest and second oldest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia.

In the Casino Hall of the Slovene National Theatre Maribor, the gathered audience was taken to a musical journey by Marko Hatlak, one of the most recognizable and internationally established accordion players, and the well-known Tinkara Kovač. A great impression made also the Maribor Academic Choir led by the excellent composer, choirmaster and professor Tadeja Vulc.
Upon the university’s special day, the attendees were addressed by Rector prof. dr. Zdravko Kačič: “We consider it a special honour that a Nobel Prize laureate is among us today, the British biochemist Sir Gregory Paul Winter, whose outstanding achievements in biochemistry brought about a revolution in the treatment of numerous diseases. With his extraordinary achievements in the field of antibody engineering, he left an indelible mark on the scientific community. His contribution to the development of therapeutic antibodies and his ground-breaking research offers hope to countless patients around the world.
His work is also an inspiration for us in the preparation and development of new study programmes, such as Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutical Engineering. At the same time, we look forward to cooperating with pharmaceutical companies, such as Lek. We share a desire to create an environment in which innovative solutions to the most pressing health challenges of our time can be developed. Such partnerships enable a direct connection between academic knowledge and industrial practice which contributes to the faster transfer of research results into practical solutions. As one of the leading pharmaceutical companies, Lek plays an important role in supporting research and innovation.”

The keynote speaker, Peter Svetina, the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, pointed out that the foundation of the University of Maribor in 1975 was important both for Slovenia as a whole within the country at the time, and for the region itself. With the establishment of the university, Maribor got an institution to boost its development and put it on the map of university cities. He noted, that since its foundation, the university plays a key role in the development of science, education and culture, not only in Maribor, but also broader in Slovenia and internationally. Its role is not only in imparting knowledge, but in the formation of integral personalities, responsible and critically thinking individuals who contribute to a better and fairer world through their actions. “As Human Rights Ombudsman, I strive to ensure that human rights are respected, protected and exercised for all people in our society. Universities have a specific responsibility in this regard. They are the creators and protectors of critical thought, of a space for free expression and research, they are places where values and principles are formed which lead us to a more inclusive and just society. The period we are currently in is also very important for the formation of values and principles based on the fundamental principles of critical thought. Lack of knowledge and humanistic breadth can uncritically contribute to slipping into undemocratic practices and are destroying systems of respect for human rights established through long historical struggles. It is becoming increasingly important that we learn, that we remember and practice how to be human to another human, that we respect the dignity and rights of others. In this regard, educational institutions have a tremendous influence of which we are insufficiently aware as well as an enormous responsibility,” he said and added that in this context, it is important not to forget the values, such as equality, tolerance and solidarity. Educational institutions, united within the University of Maribor, are and must set an example in respecting these values. They promote an environment where all individuals feel accepted and respected regardless of their background, beliefs or personal circumstances.

This was followed by expressing gratitude to the students who received awards and recognitions for above-average effort and demonstrated success in areas beyond their study obligations:
- THE RECOGNITION FOR EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES DEVELOPMENT was awarded to student Matej Makoter Rožmarin from the Faculty of Law for diligent work and above-average contribution to the development of extracurricular activities at the University of Maribor.
- THE SIGNIFICANT CULTURAL ACHIEVEMENTS RECOGNITION was awarded to student Vanja Kolanovič from the Faculty of Medicine for outstanding achievements and contribution to the development of culture and cultural activity at the University of Maribor.
- THE RECOGNITION FOR THE BEST VOLUNTEER AMONG STUDENTS was awarded to student Klemen Tršinar from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics for participation and above-average involvement in voluntary activities at the University of Maribor.
- THE RECOGNITION FOR THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE INNOVATION ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS was awarded to Luka Kobale from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for outstanding achievements in the field of innovation and entrepreneurial activity.
- THE LEON ŠTUKELJ PLAQUETTE was awarded to the men’s volleyball team of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for outstanding achievements in sports. The captain Marko Plankelj accepted the award on behalf of the team.
- THE LEON ŠTUKELJ LABEL was awarded to Enej Marinič from the Faculty of Economics and Business for outstanding sport achievements in the wider international arena.
CEREMONIAL AWARD CERTIFICATES awarded by the University of Maribor in gratitude for the cooperation of organisations, companies, associations and individuals were received by:
- dr. Josip Orbanić by proposal of the Faculty of Logistics,
- MICROCOP informacijski inženiring in storitve d.o.o. by proposal of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
- izr. prof. dr. Artur Pahor, dr. med. by proposal of the Faculty of Medicine.

What is more, at today’s ceremony, the HONORARY TITLE PROFESSOR EMERITUS was conferred that is awarded for outstanding success and achievements in scientific research, educational and mentoring work as well as in the development and operation of the Faculty. By proposal of the Faculty of Medicine, prof. dr. Dušica Pahor, dr. med., full professor for the field of ophthalmology, who was also the Vice-Dean for Research and Head of the Chair for Ophthalmology, was conferred the title Professor Emeritus of the University of Maribor. Since 2001 she was also the Head of the Department for Ophthalmology at the University Medical Centre Maribor. In 2008, she received the bronze label of the University of Maribor for her efforts in establishing the Faculty of Medicine, two years later also the prof. dr. Zora Janžekovič Award for exemplary work in the field of cooperation with students. Of great importance is also the foundation and editorship of the scientific journal Acta medico-biotechnica of which she was the editor-in-chief since 2008. She attracted the most prominent names in European and global medical science to participate and raised the journal to an extremely high level in record time. The complexity of the published articles thus significantly contributed to the rise of reputation and, last but not least, also made it possible to obtain funds for the Faculty’s scientific research work.

The highest award, DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA for outstanding and excellent achievements in chemical and biopharmaceutical engineering, for the development of the potential of monoclonal antibodies as biological medicinal products, popularization of related study programmes both at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the University of Maribor as well as wider in Slovenian society and the international young talent community was awarded to Sir Gregory Paul Winter.
Sir Gregory Paul Winter is one of the world’s leading scientists and a pioneer in the field of humanized and human therapeutic monoclonal antibody engineering technology. He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his work. Among the most important awards is certainly the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry which he received together with the American chemists Frances H. Arnold and George P. Smith for the directed evolution of enzymes and binding proteins (antibodies). As noted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, they were awarded for their contribution to the development of the green chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Prof. Winter developed the techniques of genetic modification of these antibody molecules, which enabled their compatibility with the human immune system after injection into the human body. His innovative achievements thus led to the development of the most advanced biological medicinal products. Currently, more than 50 new monoclonal antibody-based medicinal products are in clinical use. In addition to his scientific work at the university, Prof. Winter founded several highly successful companies and thus ensured the transfer of knowledge to industry. He is an outstanding scientist active in many fields. With his work he provided significant encouragement for the development of new programmes at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, such as Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutical Engineering.