Ethics and integrity
At the University of Maribor, we strive to reach excellence and quality as well as to meet the highest ethical criteria in all fields of work. The latter is possible only by strict compliance with and awareness of set values.
Integrity is an expected action and responsibility of individuals and organisations in preventing and eliminating risks that authority, function, authorization or any other power of decision would be used against the law, legally permitted aims and codes of ethics. Integrity is the opposite to corruptive action and is one of the most important human values that includes fairness, authenticity, compliance, credibility and completeness.
The integrity plan presents a strategic tool for self-regulation within liable persons with the aim to introduce ethics, achieve a higher level of integrity, establish transparency of operation and provide effective management. It lays down measures of legal and actual nature for the prevention, reduction and elimination of risks of corruption, violation of legal and ethical norms and other irregularities. It includes potential infringements and risks. In preparing the integrity plan, the working group complies with the Integrity and Prevention of Corruption Act, Guidelines for drawing up, introducing and implementing the integrity plan as well as other recommendations of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption. When necessary, the head of the working group can involve other UM employees in the work of the working group as well.

Code of Ethical Conduct of the University of Maribor
UM employees and students are bound by the UM Code of Ethical Conduct, which specifies ethical standards of behaviour which are necessary in their conduct. The provisions of the Code bind all university community members who perform research, teaching and expert work at the University of Maribor as well as UM students, regardless of the cycle or mode of study. The aim of the Code is to establish and strengthen behavioural standards of university community members and thus strengthen their commitment to UM, exercise social responsibility of its operation, strengthen ethics in teaching and research as well as ensure knowledge transfer and UM’s social recognition.