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Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement

The University of Maribor undertakes to make the UM.SI website accessible in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act.

Level of compliance

This accessibility statement refers to the UM.SI website. In order to comply with the requirements regarding accessibility, some adjustments were systemically provided, such as:

  • Navigation through the web page is enabled via a tab keyboard that allows for predictable navigation through website elements.
  • The site can be operated and used by using only the keyboard.
  • A position indicator is placed before the content, showing where we are currently located on the website (breadcrumbs, WCAG AAA).
  • Texts are as understandable, simple, and structured as possible, using headings, paragraphs, and lists.
  • For inaccessible content, we strive to provide alternative options, for example: adding subtitles to video content.
  • Links are appropriately marked and have descriptions for screen readers.
  • The contrasts on the site are arranged to meet at least the AA level of WCAG 2.1.
  • Responsive design (adapting the content layout to screen resolution) is enabled, allowing zooming without loss of information up to 200% or 400%.
  • It is possible to add alternative text to images.
  • Animations can be stopped.

In testing the accessibility of the homepage, we also collaborated with the Institute for Digital Accessibility

The UM.SI website is partially compliant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act. The reasons for partial and not complete accessibility are listed below.

Partially accessible content

The contrast ratio in the Hero section carousel for gold and red colours can be borderline depending on the brightness of the image inserted in the background of the module. The issue with specific colours is that if we always wanted to maintain the contrast ratio, we would have to distort the colours significantly and change the entire appearance of the module. We strive to make contrast ratios across the site as friendly as possible for all users and avoid borderline values, but in this specific case, it is unfortunately not entirely possible, as changes could distort the colour scales across the entire site.

Inaccessible content

We continuously monitor the accessibility of the UM.SI website and continuously improve individual accessibility elements. However, some published content may not meet all accessibility requirements as defined by the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act due to disproportionate burden. Regarding online publications within the UM.SI website, some documents intended for professional or narrow target audiences or those that would represent a disproportionate burden due to their complexity are not accessible to users with various forms of disabilities. 

Certain content on subpages is still partially or poorly accessible. Nevertheless, at the University of Maribor we are making significant efforts to ensure that all our content is as adapted as possible to potential users belonging to vulnerable groups. The renewal of these parts will take place in the following planned phases: phase 2 in 2025 and phase 3 in 2026. 

Examples of such content are:

  • scanned documents in PDF format,
  • some other text documents,
  • promotional elements in the form of images with captions (e.g., infographics),
  • some videos,
  • some audio recordings,
  • games,
  • certain modules on subpages,
  • various complex data tables.

The reason for the presence of inaccessible content is the disproportionate burden, which we assess with the personnel and financial burden such optimization would require. 

Feedback and contact information

Due to very frequent content updates, visitors may occasionally encounter accessibility issues while browsing the UM.SI website, despite our efforts to make all web pages as accessible and user-friendly as possible. We can further improve accessibility if you report on your experience with our website. If you run into any problem or if you need access to information that is inaccessible, please let us know.

You can notify us about potential cases of non-compliance with the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act and send the request to communicate information in an accessible form by regular mail or by e-mail:


University of Maribor

You will receive an answer within eight days from the receipt of your notification or request. If we will not be able to appropriately answer you, we will notify you when the answer will be provided and the reasons for the delay.

If you detect a derogation from the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act, you may file a report with information society inspectors by regular mail or by e-mail:

Information Society Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia


Davčna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana

Accessibility statement preparation

The statement was prepared in January 2022 based on a self-assessment.​
The statement was last updated on 10 March 2025.
