Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office
Research and development activities performed by the UM researchers usually leads to new discoveries and inventions. An invention is a novel or unique creation of the human mind that, for example, meets the requirements for patent protection or represents a technical or other development and improvement that leads to increased productivity, better quality of products or services.
With the help of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (KTTO), you can determine the ownership of existing intellectual property rights and the existence of third party rights and obligations. For each fully acquired employee invention, UM must file a patent application or an application for protection of other industrial property rights. Patent protection increases the interest of potential partners and the commercialization potential of the invention. KTTO can provide substantial funding to bridge the extended period of time required to prepare and file the patent application and the ultimate issuance of a patent.
KTTO can also help you evaluate the protection and commercialization potential of your invention, in conjunction with specialized and bespoke support and services for inventors.
At the same time, the information disclosed allows us to seek collaborative opportunities with industry. To ensure that inventions become successful innovations in the marketplace, at KTTO we assess the market potential of inventions, identify suitable industry partners, negotiate the sale or licensing of patents, and provide support in obtaining spin-out or spin-off company status.
As part of our mission to promote collaboration between academia and industry, we offer various services to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer. In addition, we organize educational activities, training and events to raise awareness of the protection of IPR and create opportunities for networking and outreach between entrepreneurs and researchers.

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office at the University of Maribor tries to facilitate the transfer of fundamental scientific and technological insights into various economic activities for researchers through licence and other agreements.

Our core activity is identifying knowledge and technologies at the University of Maribor with commercial potential. We assist UM researchers in intellectual property protection, marketing strategy development and commercialization of their research results.