Key milestones of open science at UM


University of Maribor Digital Library

The institutionalised repository of the University of Maribor provides researchers of the University with an environment for performing scientific research according to open science principles.

Mag. Dunja Legat, Director of the University of Maribor Library


Development Strategy of the University of Maribor 2013–2020

According to the Development Strategy of the University of Maribor 2013–2020, with which the slogan “Create your future!” was first adopted, the implementation of open access to scientific documents, data and research results is of key importance for the realisation of UM’s scientific, artistic, research and development strategy.

Promoting open access to scientific documents, data and research results is of key importance for the University of Maribor.

Development Strategy of the University of Maribor 2013–2020, 2013

ODUN Project


Berlin Declaration

We define open access as a comprehensive source of human knowledge and cultural heritage that has been approved by the scientific community.

The Berlin Declaration, 2014


Development Strategy of the University of Maribor Library 2015–2020

In the Development Strategy of the University of Maribor Library 2015–2020, one of the indicators for the integration of librarianship and publishing at the University of Maribor is the implementation of open access to educational content. By enforcing open access in the field of scientific and university publishing, with the emergence of educational content, text documents and audio-visual material, the characteristics of which are that they are openly accessible and intended for teaching, learning and research, especially remotely, new publishing models have emerged, based on freely accessible knowledge transfer with an emphasis on sharing knowledge with others.

Open access to research results, an essential part of open science, which aims to make science more reliable, efficient and responsive, is therefore the springboard for increased innovation opportunities, for instance by enabling more science-based startups to emerge.

Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World – a vision for Europe, 2016


Establishment of the UKM Digital Repository

Repository of digitised forms of the valuable written cultural heritage of the University Library of Maribor, a collection for research in the humanities, including elements of citizen science.

Mag. Dunja Legat, Director of the University of Maribor Library


DORA Declaration

Leiden Manifesto

The University of Maribor committed to adhering to the principles of the Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics, which was published on 23 April 2015 in Nature. In addition to the DORA Declaration, this Manifesto is the second major international initiative to improve the quality of research work.

Decision-making about science must be based on high-quality processes that are informed by the highest quality data.

Leiden Manifesto, 2015


Open Access Policy for Research Infrastructure at the University of Maribor

The research infrastructure of the University of Maribor denotes the multi-purpose and multi-dimensional facilities, laboratory environments, research equipment, complex digital research systems and databases used for research purposes, and dedicated research groups.

Open Access Policy for Research Infrastructure at the University of Maribor, 2020


Strategy of the University of Maribor 2021–2030

Database for UM Research Infrastructure

Development Strategy of the University of Maribor Library 2021–2025

In its Development Strategy of the University of Maribor Library 2021–2025, which contains a rich description of current achievements in the field of open access, the University of Maribor has set itself 24 development goals. Six of these goals are associated with open access, namely Goal 4 (obtaining and making available library material and information resources from different scientific fields), Goal 5 (creating virtual knowledge – streaming content), Goal 6 (providing easy access to library material and information resources), Goal 9 (promoting openness and visibility of the University of Maribor in the national and international research area), Goal 10 (establishment of the Slovenian Open Science Community), Goal 11 (research integrity – research supporting services).

Openness and knowledge sharing in the analogue and digital worlds are what we strive to achieve and introduce to all aspects of our work.

Development Strategy of the University of Maribor Library 2021–2025, 2021


EOSC Association


Slovenian Open Science Community

CoARA Coalition

The University of Maribor became a member of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), the mission of which is to improve research evaluation methods and processes. It supports the integration of diverse research results, practices, and activities in evaluating research, researchers and research organisations to increase the quality and impact of research. This requires an assessment based primarily on qualitative evaluation, supported by the responsible use of quantitative indicators, aligning with the UM strategy.

Value the skills (including open science skills), competences and merits of individual researchers, but also recognise team science and collaboration.

CoARA Agreement, 2022


ODVIj pilot project

On 1 January 2023, the University of Maribor, in cooperation with the University of Maribor Library, launched the RRP project entitled Z odprtim dostopom do vseživljenjskega izobraževanja ODVIj (Eng. Open Access for Lifelong Education), which will last until 31 December 2025. This pilot project aims to clarify open-access operations according to the principles of open science. Various activities are being performed within this project’s scope to establish a bridge between the academic and non-economic environment and the general public for the benefit of the broader society, following the principles of Society 5.0. The pilot project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

Design contest for creating the Open Science visual identity


The first edition of the Open Education Festival under the auspices of the UM Open Science Festival, FestUM, as part of the ODVIj RRP pilot project, to promote open education or wider promotion of open science and encouraging active cooperation in this field among various social stakeholders, under the slogan “Open Science Brings an Open Mind”.

Open Science Brings an Open Mind.

FestUM Team, 2023

SPOZNAJ Consortium Project


Plan for Adjusting Operations according to the Open Science Principles

On 26 November 2024, the Collegium of Deans of the University of Maribor, at its 28th session, confirmed the Plan for Adjusting Operations according to the Open Science Principles, according to which, earlier in 2024 the Statute of the University of Maribor and Code of Ethical Conduct of the University of Maribor were updated. We will continue to implement the plan following the national legislative framework and guidelines.


The second edition of the Open Education Festival under the auspices of the UM Open Science Festival, FestUM, as part of the ODVIj RRP pilot project, to promote open education or wider promotion of open science and encouraging active cooperation in this field among various social stakeholders. This edition was part of the 2024 Science Month, organised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.

Barcelona Declaration

Slovenian Citizen Science Network
